Are you Guilty of "Shiny Object Syndrome"?

This is my little pep talk for you for when times get tough. I’m speaking to treatment outcomes and not jumping to the next shiny object when things aren’t going your way.

I see this alot when it comes to skin care products and acne.

Acne is such a visible thing, so I’m going to speak to that specifically. It’s easy to jump ship very quickly when you’re not seeing results fast enough. It’s a valid thing to feel frustrated, especially when you are investing time and money, and not getting the outcome you expected. Keep in mind that healing is a complex process and it doesn’t happen overnight. Think of it from a cellular level - you are quite literally literally creating cellular change, rewiring of neurons or shifting metabolic processes and hormones.

There are so many things going on with the healing process that you need to keep this in mind. Just because you can’t visibly see the changes doesn’t mean that things aren’t happening below the surface. Things are happening, but not necessarily in the visible timeline you want it to happen in, so you immediately think you need to add something else into your treatment plan, consult with another person, or feel the need for more information.

That just creates chaos and the feeling of being on a hamster wheel.

It’s overwhelming, confusing and makes you feel like you’re back at the beginning and want to give up. How many of you have been in that position? I see this all the time, and believe that many of us want to be in control of our treatment outcomes. It’s a hard pill to swallow. Ultimately, you are not in control of the timeline of the healing process you are going through. You can be doing everything perfectly and then have a break out.

It’s a feeling that your body has betrayed you.

Healing is not on just a physical level.

There are blocks in our lives that act as ways to learn. It’s important that you understand that you are not your body or your mind, but you have both of these things. They play an influence on one another. You are what brings their awareness as to what is going on. Physical complaints are part of your learning curve. Look at them that way because that will be the safest healing for you in the long run.

Two things that I want you to pay attention to are persistence and patience. We live in a society where we want results overnight…look at all the marketing that advertises quick overnight results. In certain circumstances maybe you can get overnight improvement, but that’s temporary. It took years to develop your physical condition, and it’s going to take time to change that.

Fast results can set you up for failure. They create the false sense that you have healed and you then forget about the work to maintain results. Sticking to a plan and not jumping ship when you feel it’s not working delays your results. Putting time, energy and money into a plan and being persistent can actually shorten your timeline when you are working with someone who knows what they are doing. I’m a huge believer in always having someone to consult with, that will provide trust and faith to ensure you are walking the right path. Persistence is important, being persistent about the right thing.

Patience is a virtue. It becomes more difficult to stick to a plan if you are impatient. Trust the process. You want to be healed and have clear skin…what’s important is that you look at this as a journey. You don’t jump ship while you are on this journey. Having integrity with your commitment to yourself will help you push through when you become impatient with the timeline.

Keep in mind, life is all one big test.

Be consistent with your plan.

And the more that you can learn to be more patient and bring more patience into your life, I believe it will serve you very well.

Jillian Cole

Treating adult acne and educating on age-prevention skincare strategies with a whole body, inside, out approach.

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