The Blog | Skin Health tips & Education

In the pursuit of healthy, radiant skin, there's more to consider than just the products we apply. Our skin is our body's largest organ and plays a vital role in protecting us from external elements. To nurture and fortify the skin's protective barrier, we need to adopt a 360-degree lifestyle approach to skincare. By incorporating non-toxic ingredients and optimizing our skincare routine, we can unlock the secrets to long-lasting skin health and beauty.

Heal Acne Jillian Cole Heal Acne Jillian Cole

How To Clear Acne - The Cole’s Notes Version From A Naturopathic Doctor and Skincare Formulator

I’m going to keep this as to-the-point as possible because I want you to get the gist of how to clear your acne. It doesn’t have to be complicated, even though the “behind the scenes” of what I’m going to say to you can get complicated, I’m going to do my best to give you the best, most concise, most realistic outline for you to clear your acne.

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What Are Peptides In Skincare?

Peptides in skincare are cell-signaling molecules that influence the behaviour of our skin cells. Depending on the molecular weight of the peptide, some influence our skin cells by a series of cascade responses, while other peptides can penetrate the skin and get right to the source of where we want that cellular influence to happen.

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Skincare Products Jillian Cole Skincare Products Jillian Cole

3 Reasons Why You Need A Cleansing Balm

Cleansing balms, or oleo gels, are products where the oil has been mixed with a gentle surfactant, usually sucrose laurate (this is what we use in our Omega Cleansing Balm). Sucrose laurate also happens to gel oils, making a beautiful gelled texture that glides gently and easily onto the skin. When the product comes in contact with water, it turns into a milk, which is why these oleo gels are also called “oil to milk cleansers”. The bonus with a cleansing balm is that it hybridizes the best of both oil cleansing method and surfactant cleansers - you’re able to use oils to remove all the lipid-soluble debris from the skin, restore and protect the lipid matrix, and also effectively remove the oil from the skin, without stripping the skin.

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Incredible Skin Jillian Cole Incredible Skin Jillian Cole

Resveratrol for Clear, Glowing Skin

I have to say, I’m puzzled why resveratrol isn’t more common in mainstream skincare products because of all the wonder things it can achieve for a number of different skin types and skin concerns. Restervatrol is a wonderful Ingredient in your skincare products if you struggle with a skin concern like acne or rosacea. It’s also an excellent ingredient to help combat the harmful effects of UV sun damage and environmental pollution exposure. Resveratrol also helps with minimizing chronic low grade inflammation in the skin, reducing hyperpigmentation and evening out skin tone. As in, I’m not sure what it doesn’t do.

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Best Skin Barrier Repair Products

Skin barrier repair is of critical importance if you struggle with dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, acne-prone skin and aging skin. The best skin barrier repair products will be those that mind the cellular components of the skin barrier and help support biochemical process that happen right within the cell. And the best skin barrier repair products don’t just come in a cream or serum - your cleanser, toner and/or essence ingredients matter too. Read on to learn what the best skin barrier repair products are and why you need them in your skincare regimen.

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Marine Collagen for Health and Skin Benefits

Collagen has become a trendy supplement in the anti-aging industry - and for a good reason. There are a number of studies, as well as consumer reports touting the benefits of a daily dose of collagen in the diet. Let’s dive into the different sources of collagen and all the benefits of supplementing with a collagen powder.

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Heal Acne, Skincare Products Jillian Cole Heal Acne, Skincare Products Jillian Cole

Protecting Your Skin Microbiome for Clear Skin

If our skin microbiome is out of balance (something we call “dysbiotic” or having “dysbiosis”), it can set the stage for increased skin cell sloughing, a compromised skin barrier, a less ideal skin pH and virulent bacterial overgrowth. All of this leads to inflammation in the skin, papules, pustules…acne. So how can we repair and protect our skin microbiome?

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Health Jillian Cole Health Jillian Cole

Why You Need An Omega Complex Over a Fish Oil

Remember a few years ago when everyone and their brother were telling you to take a fish oil? Well, the times have changed and so should your supplement regimen. While a quality fish oil is awesome, it just doesn’t offer what it could if it were in a formula containing other omega fatty acids.

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Heal Acne Jillian Cole Heal Acne Jillian Cole

Acne Is Never “Just” Acne.  Why Taking A Holistic Approach to Healing Is Vital For True, Lasting Results

One of my greatest concerns with being hyper vigilant in trying to find a specific diagnosis for acne is that all of these diagnoses fail to meaningfully describe who the client is what exactly they are suffering from. Trying to identify with a diagnosis of “fungal acne” or “hormonal acne” is still missing the entire point of the diagnosis of “acne vulgaris”. Even the actual diagnosis itself fails to fully embody the impacts such a condition has on a client.

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Heal Acne Jillian Cole Heal Acne Jillian Cole

Eating for Clear Skin

A frequent question I come across is various themes of the question, “how do I eat to clear my acne?”

While nutrition is one of the four foundational pillars I like to see clients pay attention to, in order to clear their skin, it isn’t the be-all, end-all. It’s simply ONE piece of the puzzle.

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Heal Acne Jillian Cole Heal Acne Jillian Cole

Hormonal Acne - How to Treat and Prevent It

It’s easy to think that your acne is related to your hormones, and of course hormones can play a role in acne breakouts. But I believe that many people corner themselves with this “diagnosis”, thinking it’s only about their hormones and nothing else…leaving MANY pieces of the acne puzzle left unattended.

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