Protecting Your Skin Microbiome for Clear Skin

acne skin

A happy, healthy skin microbiome is vital for clear skin.

If our skin microbiome is out of balance (something we call “dysbiotic” or having “dysbiosis”), it can set the stage for increased skin cell sloughing, a compromised skin barrier, a less ideal skin pH and virulent bacterial overgrowth.  

All of this leads to inflammation in the skin, papules, pustules…acne.

So how can we repair and protect our skin microbiome?

Internal Solutions

First off, it’s important to understand that the skin microbiome has what we call a “bidirectional relationship” with our gut microbiome (the bacteria that live in our gut).  So if our gut bacteria is out of whack, or we have an overgrowth of less desirable bacteria or an undergrowth of the good bacteria, it’s likely to impact our skin.

This is why gut health is vital for optimizing our skin health and is an important first step in fixing the root cause of acne.

I love functional gut health tests to gain a deeper understanding of what exactly is going on in the gut.  This can be done by a naturopathic doctor or through third party testing sites.  These are options I discuss with clients when we have our skin consults together.

It’s not simply about popping a probiotic.  There are a few other things that must be addressed, such as digestive capacity (how well your body is at breaking down and digesting food), gut lining leakiness, markers of inflammation, etc.

For starters, eating a nutrient-dense, polyphenol- and fibre-rich diet will be beneficial to anyone, regardless of whether or not we’ve done any testing yet.  A Paleo-style way of eating is essentially this - whole foods, adequate fibre, tons of colourful veggies.

In terms of supplements, our Omega Complex contains omegas 3, 6, 7 and 9 - most notably that omega 7 in there has been shown to help reduce inflammation at the level of the pore.  And our Probiotic formula was carefully curated based on the latest research for oral probiotics and optimizing skin health.  

Topical Solutions

Topically, oil cleansing can be so wonderful for the health of your skin microbiome.  However, depending on how much make-up you wear, if you live in a city (environmental pollutants) or active acne breakouts, you may want to use an oil to milk cleanser or follow up your oil cleanse with a gentle foaming cleanser, to ensure proper removal of the oil cleanser (after all, it’s been mixed in with debris, it’s best to remove completely), and set the stage for pH balancing with a toning essence, followed by a skin microbiome-loving Linoleic Acid rich face oil.

Avoid harsh cleansers that strip the skin.  If a cleanser leaves your skin feeling “squeaky clean”, it’s too harsh.

Our Everyday Body + Face Oil can be a great cleanser for those with mild to moderate acne or more inflamed skin types.  It’s a Linoleic Acid and Oleic Acid balanced formula, making it great for aging skin types as well.  The addition of Rosehip and Sea Buckthorn add an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory elements, to help repair the skin.  The Rice Bran Oil and Grape Seed Oils help to effectively remove dirt and grime, while being gentle to the skin and microbiome.  If you’re wanting more info on how to oil cleanse, check out our blog post on the topic HERE.


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